Night sparkles in the starlight.
Wind dances with trees outside.
Dappled-pink Fiona lilts a magic carpet song
Sways, playing sweetly on silver guitar.
Chloe, the dog, dances with Flame.
Fiona’s son, Josh, merrily drumming
Giving his all, answers the call.
Flame, gong a’whirling,
'laughter filling the room' says Nicole.
'laughter filling the room' says Nicole.
Sweet Martha dreaming a memory tale.
Phil panning away with flute and recorder.
Robyn, Ulli, Phil and Alex jaw harping finger pianos.
Rosie warbles a whistle.
Annie claps hand-painted wooden spoons.
Kerry and Chu dance in rhythm.
Iggy tells of being at Joshua Tree.
Nicole swans, curling up on the couch.
Sharon and Uren (his name it means pine tree) tell of delights.
They have five children and an adventurous life.
Micha gives invites to his exhibition.
'Yes, we will go', says Nicole, with glee.
Barbara toned to the inky, blue night.
Possum vaudevilles, storytelling and dancing.
Welcomes all wth Gurringai song.
Magic orbs filter through the open doorway.
'Glad to be here, Ulli', they say.
'Welcome, welcome cosmic light
Come and visit us tonight.'
Ulli sings up this delight.
'There she sits in regal splendour,
a music queen upon her throne', states Nicole, on our way home.
Silver top hat is her crown.
We love coming to your home.
Thank you for your hospitality,
Your gifts of music, time and space.
We hover on the edge of dreams,
To fall asleep in reality’s grace.
Virginia Gow
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